The Smith County Sheriff’s Office has recently been made aware of another warrant scam. This scam
involved a phone call that was received by a Smith County citizen this afternoon at approximately 3:00
In this scam, the caller identified himself as an investigator with the Smith County Sheriff’s Office by
specific name. The caller informed the victim that there was a warrant for her arrest for failing to report
for jury duty. She was then instructed to obtain a money order in the amount of $1,500. The male caller
then instructed her to stay on the line and to meet her at the Sheriff’s Office. Once the caller found out
that the victim had called her husband, he became angry and informed the victim that she had violated a
“gag order”. Once the victim arrived at the Sheriff’s Office, the call was disconnected.
The victim received the call from a cloned number within the Sheriff’s Office that was actually the
number to the warrant division. It is apparent that technology exists, by an app or otherwise, to allow a
caller to show a fake number from his/her phone when a call is placed. Additionally, these scammers are
learning the names of actual investigators and/or deputies from the Smith County Sheriff’s Office.
At no time will anyone from the Smith County Sheriff’s Office, or any law enforcement agency, ever call
an individual and request cash or monetary payment for any criminal offense or warrant. Also, never
provide anyone with debit/credit card numbers or personal information such as Social Security numbers,
birthdates or driver’s license numbers over the phone. The only time you should ever provide this
information is if the call was initiated by you and it is to a known business or creditor.
If you receive a phone call such as this, simply hang up and call the Smith County Sheriff’s Office at (903)
566-6600 or the local law enforcement agency within your jurisdiction.