Smith County Hosts Citizen Input Meeting in Lindale

Nearly 30 people attended the third Smith County Citizen Input Meeting in Lindale Thursday evening to discuss the six-year Road and Bridge Capital Improvement Project.

“It was a wonderful turnout,” Precinct 3 Commissioner Terry Phillips said. “This is what we hope for when we hold community meetings. It was great to hear from our citizens about the roads that are important to them.”

Smith County Judge Nathaniel Moran and County Engineer Frank Davis explained the road bond program with the crowd of 27 people, and answered questions about specific roads.

Since Precinct 3 is the largest precinct in Smith County, there will be another Citizen Input Meeting in that precinct at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 29, at the Chapel Hill High School Auditorium, 13172 State Highway 64 East, Tyler. And since Chapel Hill borders Precincts 2 and 3, County Officials will be discussing road projects in both areas at that meeting.

But first, the community meeting for Precinct 4 is scheduled for next Tuesday, July 20, at 5:30 p.m. at the Tyler Pounds Regional Airport (Old Terminal – HAMM Museum), at 150 Airport Drive in Tyler.

Meetings have already been held in Precinct 1, in Flint, and Precinct 2, in Whitehouse.

Citizens can view the full six-year working draft road and bridge plan, which includes both maintenance and construction items, on the county’s website, at