Anyone who came to the Harvey Convention Center in Tyler and received their first Moderna vaccine on Saturday January 9th, Friday January 8th, or any day before January 8th is invited to return to receive their second Moderna vaccine next week.
“Second Dose COVID Vaccine Clinics” operated by NET Health will be Tuesday February 9th and Wednesday February 10th. Persons who received their first Moderna vaccine from NET Health before January 10th, 2020 will also need to bring their “CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card”. This is the small white card given when each person receives their first Moderna vaccine and was stamped with “NETPHD”. The date on the back each person’s “CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card” should also list the date to return being on or before February 8th. The second vaccine will still provide effective potency even if you receive the second vaccination more than 28 days after the first dose.
Appointments for these “Second Dose Vaccine Clinics” are only available to (a) persons who received their first Moderna vaccine from NET Health before January 10th and (b) persons who are enrolled into our “Waiting List to Receive Your Second Vaccine”.
“Anyone interested in receiving the COVID vaccine is asked to first register into our waiting lists and await receiving contact from NET Health before traveling to the Harvey Convention Center in Tyler,” says George Roberts, NET Health CEO. “Please sign up for the NET Health COVID-19 waiting list by visiting and selecting the “Vaccine Updates” link. This webpage provides access for anyone to enroll into waiting lists to receive your official invitation to make an appointment to receive your second vaccine.
NET Health will schedule appointments for “Second Dose Vaccine Clinics” in future week and invitations to make an appointment will be provided to persons on our “2nd Vaccine Waiting List”.
Persons who received their first vaccine from a different vaccine provider must receive their second vaccine from the same vaccine provider.
To enroll into our waiting list as being eligible to receive the COVID vaccine, interested persons must be either (1) over the age of 18 and working in a profession that qualifies you as being Tier 1A, or (2) over the age of 18 with a qualifying health condition that have been identified by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), or (3) over the age of 65.
Anyone who completes the recommended immunization against COVID-19 is still advised to continue practicing the evidence-based COVID-19 safety protocols, which include wearing a mask, social distancing, washing your hands frequently, and avoiding large gatherings.
For more details about COVID-19 in East Texas, visit