Police Chiefs and Sheriffs from 20 East Texas counties gathered on Jan. 10 at the Kilgore Police Department for a press conference and mass gathering of law enforcement officials to publicly support the 100 Club of East Texas, a non-profit 501(c)(3) Foundation designed to help families of fallen peace officers. Wayne Isbell, Chief of Police in Mount Pleasant and 2018 East Texas Police Chiefs Association President said law enforcement in East Texas “has fought hard to improve how we police. Unfortunately, we do not always get the support we need from community members or even our governing bodies. More law enforcement officers – 144 – died in the line of duty in the United States in 2018 than in 2017, reversing a one-year decline, according to a preliminary report released Thursday by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. Texas was one of four states leading the number of officer deaths will 11 fallen officers.” Seeing a regional need in East Texas, a regional group of civic and business leaders have come together to create a non-profit organization to support dependents and spouses of fallen officers who are killed or catastrophically injured in the line of duty. This foundation will provide support to law enforcement in 20 East Texas counties. As the foundation grows, the foundation will provide financial assistance for training and equipment not budgeted through governing bodies. For more information on the 100 Club of East Texas go to https://www.easttexas100club.org/.
Police Chiefs and Sheriffs from 20 East Texas counties gathered on Jan. 10 at the Kilgore Police Department