Lindale American Legion Post 15 wins another first place state award

For the second consecutive year, representative of Lindale’s American Legion Jordan-Duncan Auxiliary Unit 15 won two first place awards during the American Legion Texas State Convention held in Austin July 9-14, publicity officials announced.
The entry designed by members Jan Stehman and Val Swift won for “Best Presentation Board” as well as the judges’ first place ribbon and the People’s Choice first place ribbon.
The display included a replica of the American Legion Post 15 facility which encompasses 50-plus acres of forested beauty and splendor, including a fully stocked 15 acre lake, a 25-yard pistol range, several RV campsites for overnight camping, hiking trails and more.
The Auxiliary’s participants attending the Legion’s State Convention this year were President Sharna Richardson, Secretary Linda Williams and Chaplain Margaret Helmuth.
The Auxiliary Unit also received the “Constitution and By-Laws Award” for 2023-24.
The members are looking forward to another year of “Committing Themselves to the Ideal of Service and Not Self” in support of our Veterans of Lindale, officials added.
For further information regarding the local American Legion Auxiliary Unit 15, please contact the President, Sharna Richardson at 970-595-0194 or via email at