LHS students named All-State Musicians

Five students with the Lindale High School Chorale program have earned a spot in the Texas Music Educators Association All-State Choir, Lindale ISD publicity officials announced.
Adrian Martinez, Sara Wood, Elijah McGuire, Zia Pitts and Aalivia Stroud established a new Lindale Choir program record, with the most members selected for All-State.
They also represent the most All-State singers from any school in the region 7 education service area.
“Mrs. Sherman and I could not be more proud of these singers and all of our hard working choir students,” said Director of Choirs Kerry Baham.
These students were chosen for this prestigious honor through a competitive process held across the state at District, Region, and Area levels. Individual musicians perform selected music for a panel of judges who rank each instrument or voice part. From this ranking, a select group of musicians advance from their Region to compete against musicians from other areas in eight TMEA Area competitions.
“The Lindale Choir program has established itself as the top choir program in East Texas,” said Superintendent Stan Surratt. “Our students continue to amaze me with their talents and how well they represent Lindale schools and our community.”
The highest-ranking musicians qualify to perform in the TMEA All-State music group. Only the top 2.6 percent of musicians who initially audition become All-State musicians. 1,875 students are selected through a process that began with more than 70,000 students from around the state, vying for this honor to perform in one of 18 ensembles.
These All-State students will now participate in four days of rehearsals directed by nationally recognized conductors during the TMEA Clinic/Convention. Their performances for thousands of attendees bring this extraordinary event to a close. Their performance with the Texas All-State Small School Mixed Choir is in San Antonio on Saturday, February 10, at the Henry B. González Convention Center. For the All-State concert information, go to www.tmea.org/convention.