Fireworks Sales Approved for Texas Independence Day

Smith County residents will be able to buy fireworks to celebrate Texas Independence Day again this year.

The Smith County Commissioners approved an order authorizing fireworks sales from Thursday, February 25, through Tuesday, March 2.

Texas Independence Day commemorates the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836.

The 84th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 1150, authorizing three additional periods that fireworks may be sold to the public as long as the Commissioners Courts in each county issues an order authorizing such sales each year. The three additional holidays are Texas Independence Day, San Jacinto Day and Memorial Day.

Smith County residents are allowed to pop fireworks throughout the year, and are only restricted on when they can buy them. Before the three additional holidays were approved, fireworks could only be bought and sold for New Year’s and July 4th.

Smith County urges everyone to use caution and be safe when using fireworks.