City zoning request gets Lindale Council OK

Lindale City Council members approved a zoning request from Daniel and Bethany Patterson concerning the property located at 309 East South Street which the owners sought have changed from single family residential to neighborhood mixed use Tuesday night (April 16) at city hall.
City Manager Carolyn Caldwell said after meeting with the Pattersons and checking on the status of the property the owners couldn’t accomplish what they want without the property being rezoned.
The council voted unanimously to approve the request from the Pattersons.
This issue was tabled at the council’s previous meeting on April 2. A public hearing was held on the matter prior to the council discussing it on April 2, when council members heard from citizens on both sides of the matter.
In other action:
• Council members also approved a re-plat of a lot at 17292 CR 4185 (Magnolia Estates). This was unanimously approved previously by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
• Approved vacating the undeveloped Eagle Heights Unit 1 subdivision, located adjacent to Wood Springs Road. P&Z approved this matter previously as well. The property will remain annexed into the city of Lindale.
• Renamed Avenue G to McClenny Way in honor of the longtime former mayor, Bobby McClenny, who was also active in helping create the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction for the city, which kept the city of Tyler from encircling the city of Lindale.
• Retained Hartbeat Construction for the Safe Routes to School Project at a cost of approximately $36,000.